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Oman Residents` & Visitors` Guide Explorer Publishing
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Oman Residents` & Visitors` Guide Explorer Publishing
ISBN: 994820509X
Preis: EUR 21.00
(incl. MwSt.)
The Oman Complete Residents` Guide is back, and it’s bigger and better than ever. The fully revised 3rd edition of the Oman Complete Residents` Guide is packed with all the insider info a reader could possibly need. Comprehensive, fun, and easy to use, it is the ultimate resource for residents old and new, and a vital companion for anyone wishing to live life in Oman to the full. ? History, culture, and visitors’ info covering hotels and places to stay. ? Residents’ advice, including housing, healthcare, education, and transport. ? Oman’s main areas explored, with details of all there is to see and do. ? Every sports club, society and association listed. ? A comprehensive shopping chapter, with tips on what to buy and where to buy it. ? Independent reviews of the best restaurants and bars. ? Fully referenced photographic maps.
Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
Dieser Sitzball ...
... ist ein detaillierter Globus
Die Welt ist ein Geschenkpapier
Landkartenpuzzles und viele andere Motive
Riesengloben zum Aufpusten
So entdecken Kinder die Welt.
Die Welt aus dem All
Dekorative Satellitenbild-Poster in gestochen scharfer Auflösung!
Schicke Taschen
Wandkarten fürs Büro und fürs Heim