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Island - Tektonische Landkarte 1:600.000 [Iceland Tectonic Map] FORLAGID - Island

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Island - Tektonische Landkarte 1:600.000
Iceland Tectonic Map FORLAGID - Island
ISBN: 9979330457
Preis: EUR 21.50
(incl. MwSt.)
Sofort lieferbar


The Tectonic map of Iceland gives a new view of the country`s geology. The rocks are classified by age, but not by type or compostion. Volcanic systems including central volcanoes and fissure and dyke swarms, both active and extinct, are shown, as are the island`s principal fracture zones and the dip of rock layers. The map thus gives a useful insight into the geological structure of the country.

Furthermore, this map contains information and explanations of the geological terms such as Pleistocene, Tertiary, Lava Shield Crater, etc.

Legend and texts in Icelandic, English, German and French language

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